Keep your lettuces sweet and your water bills low.
And did you know?
The carrots you eat next January…are the ones you plant in June.
- Water conservation tips for healthy plants
- Drip irrigation
- Tomatoes: more keys to success
- Design your summer plantings for hot-weather resilience and winter abundance
- making the most of your garden space
- Novel recipes for early-summer treats
When: 6-8:30 pm Thursday, June 12
Location: Cully neighborhood, NE Portland. Frequent service on Trimet #75. Off-street bike parking available.
Cost: $20-45 sliding scale.
$45.00Add to cart
Part of the Year Round Harvest program.
To pay an amount other than $45, choose “Check Payment” and then send by PayPal to
or bring payment to class.
Scholarships (for entire series!) and work-trade available. Call to discuss. No one turned away for lack of funds.