Gardens are booming! Weeds and bugs are too! Feeling overwhelmed?
Don’t panic! This class will help.
-Weed control: identification, tools, techniques
-Seeding tips
-Tomatoes, leeks: keys to success
-Harvesting techniques
-Edible flowers and unusual vegetables
This class will be outdoors, so please dress for the weather.
Cost: $20-45 sliding scale.
When: 1-3:30 pm Saturday, May 10
$45.00Add to cart
Location: Cully neighborhood, NE Portland. Frequent service on Trimet #75. Off-street bike parking available.
Part of the Year Round Harvest program.
To pay an amount other than $45, choose “Check Payment” and then send by PayPal to
or bring payment to class.
Scholarships (for entire series!) and work-trade available. Call to discuss. No one turned away for lack of funds.