Late Fall Garden Day – 12/18/21

What do we do in the garden when it’s chilly and rainy?  Plenty!  Tend, harvest, and more.


FREE – Register now

11 am – 1 pm Land tending: learn while caring for the land. Native plants, cool season vegetables.
1-2 pm potluck lunch – rain shelter available
2-3 tour: native plants; cool season veggies; protecting soil and plants from rain and cold


Cost FREE; preregistration required for COVID-19 safety.

NE Portland, Cully neighborhood – address sent when your registration
is confirmed.  Near bus #75 and #72.

Bring: Clothing to keep you warm and dry, water bottle, gloves if you have them, and any other tools you like.

Supervised kids (under 15) welcome.  16 and over welcome on your own.
No dogs, no smoking. 

COVID-19 protocol:  limited to 10 people or 5 pods. Face coverings
required and/or keep 6’ distance from anyone not in your pod.   (OK to
step away from group to drink water, eat your snack etc.)

First RSVPs get on the list, any others go on the wait list.  Priority
to BIPoC, garden educators, and those growing food to feed others
(Food Not Bombs, Snack Block, Free Hot Soup, Produce for People, etc)
so please mention these things.

Questions?  or 503-849-9466