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Next class:
Propagating perennials – Edible, medicinal & native perennials -Oct. 13, 2-4 pm, SE Portland
All classes at our farm in Cully, NE Portland, unless specified otherwise.
Vegetable Growing classes now listed on the Year Round Harvest page.
Other classes posted here. Join the mailing list to be kept up to date! Or follow us: Facebook/Instagram.
Some past topics that we plan to offer again:

Pruning: Fruit trees
Pruning: Vines and Berries
Rainwater harvesting
The Blooming Phoenix: Wildflowers After Wildfire (lecture)
Native Wildflowers in the Charcoal Forest (Hike)
Edible uses of native plants
Dress for outdoors!
Most of our classes are outdoors. Depending on the weather, you may need a raincoat, layers for warmth, a warm hat, a sun hat, or sandals. Always wear shoes that can take a little mud. Imagine you’re going out to weed your own garden.